

All the posts from the flash blog are here. If you want yours added, you can comment here or send Yes, That Too a message on Facebook. If you would like your post reprinted, please say so!

Amy's post that helped kick us off: Not Good Enough, Autism Speaks

Flash Blog Posts:

Amy Sequenzia: Autism Speaks, I Want To Say
The Autism Wars: Autism Speaks, I Want To Say...
Autistic Big Bro: Autism Speaks, I Want To Say
Feminist Aspie: Autism Speaks, I Want To Say... Stop the Silencing!
Geeky Science Mom: What the Month of April Has Become
Jessica Banks: Autism Speaks, I Want To Say... 
Karla's ASD Page: Made a graphic, no title
Nobody's Darling: Autism Speaks, I Want To Say... 
SIDAutism: Autism Speaks Video "I Want To Say"
SierraStoneshield: I Want To Say
speaKnots: Autism Speaks, I want to say... Autistic Advocates are silent no more
Spectrum Views: Autism Speaks, I Want To Say: A Flash Blog 
thAutcast: Autism Speaks: A Progress Report 
Tiny Grace Notes: Autism Speaks, I Want To Say 
Yes, That Too: Autism Speaks, I Want To Say

And the usual sentence completion posts, since we do seem to get those:

Paula C. Durbin-Westby: Autism $peaks, I want to say: We are never going to be the "ideal normal."
Because PATTERNS!: Autism Speaks, I want to say that AAC is important because it lets autistic people communicate, not because it makes autistic people seem more normal.


  1. I would rather say that Autistics CAN speak :) !


  2. Here's my contribution:

  3. Here's mine as well:

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Just that I forgot to refresh to post roll when doing my update (checked fb messages and tweets) and therefore didn't see it. Adding.

  5. Huh. Mine doesn't seem to have been added. So here it is again, available for both postroll and re-blogging:

    ;) tagAught
